Friday, December 19, 2008


Tuesday, December 09, 2008

My personal favorite

After a little research I have discovered that youtube features the Duck Tales intro in various languages. My personal top three are: Hindi, Japanese and this:

Saturday, December 06, 2008

So fresh and so clean.

I love this. It makes me happy. The upbeat tempo, the imaginative and descrptive lyrics, the warm childhood memories and best of all, the delightful pun of duck tales and duck tails (something I failed to appreciate in my childhood).

Sunday, November 30, 2008

I live.

For some time I have wanted to dip my toe back into the cool pool of Push The Envelope. It feels like climbing an insurmountable task.

I've been reflecting on my life recently. Actually, I reflect on my life all the time but now I feel like sharing. What has interested me recently is preparation for life. How does one prepare for life? When is one prepared for life? I am sure that everyone has their own take and opinions on this but here are my general thoughts:

1. Education (School, Secondary/High School and College) is considered preparation for life. However, more than the education it is the life experience of progressing through these institutions that prepares people - the social interaction, taking on responsibility for ones own actions.

2. People are ready for life when they feel they are, when they come to the end of their preparatory journey.

But what happens when ones life doesn't follow the course that has been envisaged? That is when the true worth of ones preparation comes clear.

I have also been thinking about significance. I look at pictures like this and am struck by thoughts of my own insignificance.

I do believe, though, that every person on the planet is significant. Provided they want themselves to be. I think what I feel more than a sense of insignificance is a sense of belonging. Belonging to a jigsaw which consists of billions of pieces. It is a humbling but most exciting thought.

Sorry for rambling!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Push The Hiatus

Let me articulate and put into the words what the no people who read this blog have already come to realise. Push The Envelope is on indefinite hiatus. I am becoming increasingly over burdened with my academic endeavours to the point where I believe I am marketing personified and all the other business disciplines are my minions which exist purely to carry out my evil, capitalist desires. Obviously this is not the case. I will hopefully return in May but by then there is a possibility that I will be moving country so lets make it July.

Fare thee well internet people. You have been good to me. Mostly. And those that haven't......I know where you motherfuckers live!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Titanic Tuesday.

Today is Tuesday. It was an eventful, enjoyable day. I went to a careers fare. It was an experience but uninformative. I thought joining the army but they wouldn't allow me to fly helicopters so fuck that shit bitch. Choppers or nothing for me. I then journeyed to the canteen and enjoyed a bottle of ice tea and a truly delicious chocolate muffin. I briefly contemplated the kiwi dilemma. I am now remembering that I purchased the newspaper but forgot to both read it and do the crossword.

I went home. I lazed for few hours and then attended a table quiz. At present I am unable to put this into words. It was ephemeral. I will postulate a table quiz related post in due time. For now I am returning to food and television.

Thank you for your patient attention, for Push The Envelope this has been Titanic Tuesday.

Monday, January 23, 2006

The Kiwi Man

I enjoy giving people nicknames, secret nick names that only I and a few select others know. One of my favourite features about the television show "Lost" is the variety of nick names the character "Sawyer" uses when referring to other Lostees.

Among my favourite nick names are those that end with "man". Examples, "the gay man", "the hair man", "RoRo man", "the cock man" and "the mole man". (Please note: I have not invented these simply for this post, these are names that I have either given to people or that other close confidantes created and I use.)

Over the weekend, saturday to be excact, I was on a train. Unfortunately, I am still forced to to travel on public transport at times due to the punitive price of motor insurance. So until such a time as our domestic market is opened to greater competitive forces I must rely on bipedal locomotion and public transportation for longer journeys. Anyway, back to the point. I was on a train. Sitting to my right was a middle aged man with a rural accent, speaking on his mobile telephone. I was enjoying listening to him, he was returning from visiting a relative (at least I assumed it was a relative) who had suffered a stroke. After he hung from his rather long and unnecessarily loud conversation he removed a lunch box from his back-pack. The lunch box contained a banana and a kiwi fruit.

He proceeded to peel and eat the banana. After the banana and with a mere moments pause he then progressed to devour the kiwi. This is where he earned his nick name. I enjoy the occasional kiwi fruit but I am mildly put off by the quantity of seeds found in kiwi fruit. I am not such a big fan of very seedy fruits. However, when I do partake of a kiwi I cut it in half, around the circumfrence as opposed to length-ways, then begin to scoop out the fruit from its fuzzy skin with a skin and eat it, mouthful by mouthful.

This man, however, began to take whole bites from the kiwi. Skin and all. This both disturbed and fascinated me. Do many people eat kiwi this way? Am I, with my spoon method, the exception? Surely the fuzzy skin can't be an enjoyable culinary experience. Am I wrong? Is it delectable? I have been pondering whether or not to find out for myself but have not made it to the supermarket. Partly out of lazyness, partly out of unbridled fear of the kiwi.

Needless to say, as soon as I saw this gentleman devour the fruit, skin and all, he instantly became "kiwi man" in my mind.