Sunday, November 30, 2008

I live.

For some time I have wanted to dip my toe back into the cool pool of Push The Envelope. It feels like climbing an insurmountable task.

I've been reflecting on my life recently. Actually, I reflect on my life all the time but now I feel like sharing. What has interested me recently is preparation for life. How does one prepare for life? When is one prepared for life? I am sure that everyone has their own take and opinions on this but here are my general thoughts:

1. Education (School, Secondary/High School and College) is considered preparation for life. However, more than the education it is the life experience of progressing through these institutions that prepares people - the social interaction, taking on responsibility for ones own actions.

2. People are ready for life when they feel they are, when they come to the end of their preparatory journey.

But what happens when ones life doesn't follow the course that has been envisaged? That is when the true worth of ones preparation comes clear.

I have also been thinking about significance. I look at pictures like this and am struck by thoughts of my own insignificance.

I do believe, though, that every person on the planet is significant. Provided they want themselves to be. I think what I feel more than a sense of insignificance is a sense of belonging. Belonging to a jigsaw which consists of billions of pieces. It is a humbling but most exciting thought.

Sorry for rambling!


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